兵庫県の北中部、ゆったりと流れる円山川を中心に古い町並みが続く朝来市。 その山すそに登り窯を築いてから10余年が経ちました。 水辺をすべって山へ吹きつける風で森が騒めき、どこかで鹿の鳴く声。 鳥のさえずりや、夏の蝉しぐれを聞きながら、 土と水で形作り、薪をくべて土を焼き締める。 いにしえから変わらず続く手仕事がここにあります。

Asago city, where a traditional townscape has been preserved centering around Maruyama river in North Central Hyogo. It has been more than 10 years since I built a climbing kiln at the foot of the mountain there. Forests rustle in the wind gliding through waterside to the mountain, and deer call somewhere. I form pottery pieces with soil and water. Then while listening to birds singing and cicadas buzzling in summer, I put wood on the fire to bake them. There is a craftsmanship continuing from ancient time here.



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